Welcome to the YMCA of the USA
Certification Testing Center.
Congratulations on your commitment to continued personal
growth and professional development by seeking YMCA certification.
From this page, you can access tests needed to complete your
certification. Tests are timed and consist of multiple choice questions
covering information pulled from the required courses for a particular
certification level.
To login, please click the appropriate link and follow the
instructions provided.
If you have any issues accessing your test, please contact
Good luck!
If you have not upgraded your web browser recently, you will
need to upgrade immediately. If you do not upgrade, you may be unable to
deliver exams over the internet.
Most Exam Programs
Supported by
Internet Explorer (IE) v10 or higher, Chrome 25 or higher, Firefox 20 or
higher, Safari 5 or higher
NurseAide Exam Programs
Supported by
Internet Explorer (IE) v10 or higher only
DSST Exam Programs
Supported by
Internet Explorer (IE) v10 or v11, but not Microsoft‘s Edge browser
The Prometric Internet Administration Team